July 31, 2013 |  17
Today is my last day as chair of the ABIM, and the end of my eight-year tenure on the Board. In this blog – a bookend to the one I wrote at the start of the year, which went near-viral – I’ll describe some of our accomplishments this year and a few of the challenges […]
July 30, 2013 |  1
My colleague and dear friend, Robin Dibner, moves  on to greener pastures today.  We have had a great ride together. I call her “delicious,” because some people come blessed with that gene.  A wonderful soul and as good a person you will ever want to meet. I will miss her dearly–both as a trusted friend and […]
July 16, 2013 |  0
A compelling clinical vignette always gets me. Those written for lay eyes grip me even more. The exceptional writer strips away the medical nuance and expresses the case in the starkest of terms. The stakes feel germane, the emotions conveyed hit close to home. We have been there we say and ask if a similar […]
July 14, 2013 |  0
This CDC report found there were >15,000 fatal drug overdoses among women in 2010 alone; opiate-related fatal overdoses increased 5 fold over that time period. The editors recommend screening patients for substance abuse or mental health problems before opiate prescribing. Background: Overdose deaths have increased steadily over the past decade. This report describes drug-related deaths […]
July 14, 2013 |  0
This meta-analysis found no significant difference in quit rates between those that abruptly quit, versus those that did a gradual taper and quit. Smoking cessation advice should be tailored to the patient, given there is no evidence of benefit of one approach over another (abstract).
July 14, 2013 |  0
This study of 500 patients with a reported PCN allergy, who all underwent skin testing, found that only 4 had a + skin test, 4 had an objective reaction to oral testing, and 15 had a subjective reaction to oral testing (abstract).