First, thank you to everyone who joined us on October 12th for our first Journal of Hospital Medicine (@JHospMedicine) Twitter chat, known in the Twitterverse as #JHMChat. I was joined on Twitter by Chris Moriates (@chrismoriates) author of a recently published Choosing Wisely: Things We Do for No Reason paper entitled, “Nebulized bronchodilators instead of metered-dose inhalers for obstructive pulmonary symptoms” and we and others asked Dr. Moriates questions about his research and the paper. Interestingly, Chris and I were tweeting from my living room in Chicago, and for a split second, we looked at each other at 8pm CST and had that last minute feeling that it was going to be just us…but boy, were we wrong! Tweeters came out in droves to ask questions, share stories, and also discuss ways to get more people on board with inhalers instead of nebulizers.
If you happened to miss it, don’t fret because you can check out the highlights of the conversation on SHM’s storify, which is a curated summary of the conversation and feel free to post your comment in this post below.
Third, here’s a recap of the #JHMChat by the numbers:
- 75 Participants
- 437 Tweets
- 2 million impressions
- 60 minutes of thoughtful dialogue
So, thank you for joining us, students, residents QI experts and healthcare institutions for participating. Lastly, I’d like to give a shout out and thank you to our promotional partners the ABIM Foundation and the Costs of Care for helping us get the word out about #JHMChat, as well as the social media team at SHM and Wiley.
Lastly, we had such a good time, we are going to do it again. Mark your calendars for our next #JHMChat on #ThingsWeDoForNoReason after we ring in the New Year on January 11th 2016 at 9pm EST.
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