SHM & Hospital Medicine in the News: August 31 – September 14, 2017
Check out the latest hospital medicine and SHM-related stories in mainstream and healthcare news. For the full stories, click on the links below:
- SHM member Sandra Wilson, MD, FACP, FHM was highlighted in Santa Ynez Valley News discussing her personalized health care model.
- Journal of Hospital Medicine research on developing depression after ICU discharge was cited in Becker’s Health Review, Health Medicine Network and Medical Xpress, among others.
- ASHP and SHM’s joint statement on hospitalist-pharmacist collaboration was cited in an article on the expansion of inpatient clinical pharmacy services in the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy.
- Research presented at SHM’s annual conference on patient reported penicillin allergies was discussed in an article on Today’s Hospitalist.
- The success of SHM’s annual conference app was highlighted in another article on MeetingsNet, with quotes from Senior Marketing Manager Emily Daniele.
Dr. Sandy Wilson Offering Personalized Health Care, More Access
As medical care advances to incorporate cutting edge technology that meets the needs of many more people, some patients may miss the subtleties of more nuanced care. And as doctors update their practices to meet the demands of health insurance companies it can sometimes feel overwhelming for a patient who wants assurance that their needs matter. Enter internal medicine doctor Sandy Wilson.
September 12, 2017
Santa Ynez Valley News
Click here for the full story.
One-Third of Patients Develop Depression After ICU Discharge
A study, published the Journal of Hospital Medicine, shows around a third of intensive care unit patients display symptoms of depression at their initial visit to a clinic designed for ICU survivors, even if they have been prescribed antidepressants. Researchers screened 204 ICU survivors, 18 years or older, for depressive symptoms with a standard depression test. The patients were tested during their first visit to Indianapolis-based Eskenazi Health Critical Care Recovery Center after ICU discharge.
September 8, 2017
Becker’s Health Review
Click here for the full story.
Expansion of Inpatient Clinical Pharmacy Services Through Reallocation of Pharmacists
Purpose: The redesign of an inpatient pharmacy practice model through reallocation of pharmacy resources in order to expand clinical services is described.
Methods: A pharmacy practice model change was implemented at a nonprofit academic medical center to meet the increasing demand for direct patient care services. In order to accomplish this change, the following steps were completed: reevaluation of daily tasks and responsibilities, reallocation of remaining tasks to the most appropriate pharmacy staff member, determination of the ideal number of positions needed to complete each task, and reorganization of the model into a collection of teams.
September 15, 2017
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
Click here for the full story.
Is Your Patient Really Allergic to Penicillin?
Here’s an all-too-common scenario: A patient reports being allergic to penicillin. But how many patients are truly allergic to penicillin, and what are your options if they are? Speaking at this year’s Society of Hospital Medicine annual meeting in Las Vegas, Paige Wickner, MD, MPH, program director of the allergy and immunology fellowship at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, noted that penicillin is the most common drug allergy, one claimed by 10% of the general population.
September 8, 2017
Today’s Hospitalist
Click here for the full story.
How To Help Your Attendees Convince Their Bosses To Let Them Attend
A potential attendee has been hearing about your conference from her colleagues, and she is raring to go to this year’s event. But her notoriously tight-fisted manager isn’t too keen on paying the costs for her to attend on top of having her out of the office for several days. How can you help her convince her boss that the value she will get out of the conference—and bring back to the office—outweighs the cost?
September 6, 2017
Click here for the full story.
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