On October 12th at 9 PM EST I will be hosting the first #JHMChat, a twitter chat dedicated to talking about the newest research coming out of the Journal of Hospital Medicine (@JHospMedicine), SHM’s journal of peer reviewed research. If you are unfamiliar with what a Twitter Chat is, you can read more about it here. For this first #JHMChat we will be discussing Dr. Chris Moriates’ recent Things We Do for No Reason article, “Nebulized bronchodilators instead of meter-dose inhalers for obstructive pulmonary symptoms.”
Why should you, a busy hospitalist with lots of demands on your time, do this? Well, for starters, this is a great opportunity for you to learn, ask questions about the research and interact with the author! More importantly, unlike other types of events, there is no guilt associated with being on a Twitter chat. After all, Twitter is like a cocktail conversation that you can pop in and out of…so no problem if you can’t stay on for the whole time. And if you are not “active” on twitter like I am, feel free to lurk and learn…and of course, we welcome you to join in on the conversation.
Lastly, this is a chance for to you tell us how JHM papers can impact your clinical practice to improve patient care and reduce waste. As you may have heard, it takes 20 years for research findings to be translated into clinical practice. Well, we do not have 20 years to make our healthcare system sustainable. Changes in practice are needed now, and hospitalists are change agents that can facilitate these changes. Moreover, Twitter is a tool we can use to translate those findings into practice today. So, what will happen when a group of hospitalists and like-minded individuals convene on Twitter to tackle this problem? Join us to find out!
Here’s how you can get ready for the #JHMChat:
1. Print out this flier and put it in the break room.
2. Send this blog post to your hospitalist group.
3. Personally invite colleagues and trainees who would be interested in Choosing Wisely and hospital medicine
4. Follow us on Twitter: @JHospMedicine, @SHMLive, @CostsofCare, @ABIMF, @ChrisMoriates and @futuredocs
5. Read the paper: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhm.2386/abstract
On October 12th at 9PM Eastern, search for the hashtag #JHMChat on Twitter to follow along and participate in the discussion.
We are excited and grateful that Costs of Care and the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation are partnering with us to make it an invigorating conversation about the things we do for no reason and Choosing Wisely.
Look forward to live tweeting with you on the 12th!
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