SHM & Hospital Medicine in the News: July 20, 2017 – August 3, 2017
Check out the latest hospital medicine and SHM-related stories in mainstream and healthcare news. For the full stories, click on the links below:
- SHM and three other medical societies propose eliminating 30 antibiotics from CMS list for sepsis treatment to lessen antibiotic resistance.
- SHM member Ian Jenkins, MD, SFHM was quoted in an article discussing his research on optimizing blood transfusions to improve patient safety.
- Journal of Hospital Medicine research on texting and secure messaging within healthcare organizations was cited in HealthIT Security, Becker’s Hospital Review and FierceHealthcare, among others.
- Another Journal of Hospital Medicine article on the benefits of Lean Six Sigma within healthcare organizations was cited in the Sage Journal of Health Management.
- Research presented at HM16 in San Diego on improving care coordination between hospital physicians and home health providers was cited on com.
Group Suggests Dropping 30 Antibiotics From CMS List for Sepsis
A group that includes members of four different medical societies has recommended dropping three antibiotics for monotherapy and 27 for combination therapy from a government list of possible treatments for severe sepsis or septic shock. In a paper published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, the group largely cited antibiotic resistance among reasons for suggesting that the drugs and certain drug combinations be removed from the CMS tables.
August 1, 2017
Click here for the full story.
Decision Support, Big Data Analytics Reduce Hospital Blood Use
Big data analytics and the implementation of clinical decision support guidelines can help hospitals and health systems reduce unnecessary blood use and associated spending, according to a pair of new studies released this week. At a cost of more than $1000 per unit, blood transfusions are a costly part of caring for surgical patients and represent an opportunity to accrue financial savings while lowering the risk of patient safety events and inadvertent harm, says a report from Premier, Inc.
July 25, 2017
HealthIT Analytics
Click here for the full story.
Secure Messaging App Implemented in 26% of Healthcare Orgs
Few hospitals have access to a fully implemented secure messaging system, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine. The majority of hospital-based clinicians – 79.8 percent – are provided pagers for communications, with 49 percent of respondents saying they receive patient care–related (PCR) communication through pagers.
July 24, 2017
HealthIT Security
Click here for the full story.
Lean Six Sigma in Health Operations
The hospitals over the last few years have been facing major issues and challenges; the patients aspire world-class health care quality delivery while state and health insurance companies demand the delivery at the lowest price. Lean which eliminates the waste and Six Sigma which decreases the variation in hospital processes are complementary quality improvement tools that can help to achieve these goals.
July 24, 2017
HealthIT Security
Click here for the full story.
Better Coordination Needed Between Hospital Physicians and Home Health Care Providers
The background for this study is that referrals to home health care at hospital discharge have increased over recent years. Yet, care coordination including information exchange and communication is often suboptimal between the hospital and home health care and may contribute to medication list discrepancies and even hospital readmissions.
July 26, 2017
Click here for the full story.
Felicia has elaborately highlighted the recent issues and news related to medicines, hospitals, data, patient’s safety, improved healthcare, hospital teams – communication and coordination, and healthcare. Thank you for sharing.