If you were designing the perfect hospitalist job description, what would be the optimal workload to achieve high productivity? This was the crux of the discussion during September’s JHMChat. The conversation featured Drs. Marisha Burden, Moksha Patel, Mark Kissler, and Elizabeth Harry as well as researcher Angela Keniston, coauthors of “Measuring and driving hospitalist value: […]
Never let a good salary signal go to waste. Here is a meta-assembly of hospitalist, as well as comparator specialties, of 2018-19 salary moves courtesy of Modern Healthcare. It is useful seeing the various estimates from the leading consultants, placement firms, and intelligentsia to get some bearings on the pay trends, Covid notwithstanding.
“My census is too high.” “I don’t have enough time to talk to patients.” “These are outside our scope of practice.” These are statements that I have heard from colleagues over the last fourteen years as a hospitalist. Back in 1996, when Dr. Bob Wachter coined the term ‘hospitalist,’ we were still in our infancy […]
From the beginning, SHM has consciously and consistently taken a unique approach to its advocacy efforts with the federal government. The advocacy priorities of SHM most often concern issues that we feel have an impact on our patients and the broader delivery system, as opposed to a focus on issues that have direct financial benefit […]
As an aspiring physician, I like learning about how things work. Since medical students learn very little about the “business” of medicine in school, this led me to pioneer a project on missed billing by hospitalists at a medium-sized hospital in the northeastern US. Although hospitalists do a tremendous amount of work, they do not […]
Have you ever done something where you’re not quite sure why you did it at the time, but later on you realize it was part of some larger cosmic purpose, and you go, “Ahhh, now I understand… that’s why!”? Call it a fortuitous coincidence. Or a subconscious act of anticipation. Maybe a little push from […]